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- /* MergeMem.c v2 - by Carolyn Scheppner CBM 02/87
- * modified: 07/87 to move printf's outside of Forbid
- * (printf eventually Waits which breaks a Forbid)
- * Now responsive from WB, linkage with TWstartup.obj
- *
- * Attempts to merge the memlists of sequentially configged ram boards
- * which have the same Attributes (for contiguous expansion ram)
- *
- * Note: This program has been tested with an Alegra plugged into
- * a Microbotics Starboard' pass-thru, and with an A2000
- * with multiple 2-meg ram boards. This program makes
- * the assumption that sequentially configged ram boards
- * have sequential entries in the MemHeader list.
- * If ram boards are not installed largest to smallest,
- * this may not be true and this program will not be able
- * to merge them.
- *
- * Alink with TWStartup.obj ... Amiga.lib, LC.lib
- *
- */
- #include "exec/types.h"
- #include "exec/exec.h"
- #include "exec/execbase.h"
- extern struct ExecBase *SysBase;
- extern LONG stdin;
- char TWspec[] = {"CON:100/50/440/100/ MergeMem v2 "};
- char auth[] = {"cas/cbm"};
- main(argc,argv)
- int argc;
- char **argv;
- {
- struct MemChunk *chunk;
- struct MemHeader *mem, *firstmem, *prevmem = 0;
- struct ExecBase *eb = SysBase;
- ULONG memsize;
- ULONG mems[32], ends[32], atts[32], prev[32], mrgs[32];
- ULONG k, memCnt = 0, mrgCnt = 0;
- BOOL FromWb;
- /* Temps */
- struct MemChunk *oldFirst;
- APTR oldLower, oldUpper;
- ULONG oldFree;
- FromWb = (argc==0) ? TRUE : FALSE;
- if((argc==2)&&(argv[1][0]=='?'))
- {
- printf("MergeMem v2 --- Carolyn Scheppner CBM 07/87\n");
- printf("Usage: MergeMem\n");
- printf("Attempts to merge sequentially config'd ram boards\n");
- exit(0);
- }
- Forbid();
- firstmem = (struct MemHeader *)eb->MemList.lh_Head;
- /* Go to end of MemHeader list */
- for (mem = firstmem;
- mem->mh_Node.ln_Succ;
- mem = (struct MemHeader *)mem->mh_Node.ln_Succ)
- {
- mems[memCnt] = (ULONG)mem;
- ends[memCnt] = (ULONG)mem->mh_Upper;
- atts[memCnt] = (ULONG)mem->mh_Attributes;
- memCnt++;
- }
- /* Back up from terminal node to point at last MemHeader */
- mem = (struct MemHeader *)mem->mh_Node.ln_Pred;
- /* Backwards, for each except first */
- for ( ; (ULONG)mem != (ULONG)firstmem; mem = prevmem)
- {
- prevmem = (struct MemHeader *)mem->mh_Node.ln_Pred;
- /* If prev MemHeader describes neighboring ram of same Attributes */
- if(((ULONG)prevmem->mh_Upper == (ULONG)mem->mh_Lower - 32)&&
- (prevmem->mh_Attributes == mem->mh_Attributes))
- {
- prev[mrgCnt] = (ULONG)prevmem;
- mrgs[mrgCnt] = (ULONG)mem;
- mrgCnt++;
- /* Save needed stuff from MemHeader before Remove()ing it */
- oldFirst = mem->mh_First;
- oldLower = mem->mh_Lower;
- oldUpper = mem->mh_Upper;
- oldFree = mem->mh_Free;
- Remove(mem);
- /* Adjust Upper and Free in prev MemHeader to include this mem */
- memsize = (ULONG)oldUpper - (ULONG)oldLower +32L;
- prevmem->mh_Upper = (APTR)((ULONG)prevmem->mh_Upper + memsize);
- prevmem->mh_Free += oldFree;
- /* Link last free chunk of prevmem to first free of mem */
- for (chunk = prevmem->mh_First;
- chunk->mc_Next; chunk = chunk->mc_Next);
- chunk->mc_Next = oldFirst;
- /* Now FreeMem() the old MemHeader as a 32 byte chunk */
- FreeMem(mem,32);
- }
- }
- Permit();
- if(stdin > 0)
- {
- printf("RAM configuration:\n");
- for(k=0; k<memCnt; k++)
- {
- printf(" Memory type $%lx from $%lx to $%lx\n",
- atts[k], mems[k], (ends[k]) - 1);
- }
- if(!mrgCnt) printf("No merging possible.\n");
- else
- {
- printf("Merged:\n");
- for(k=0; k<mrgCnt; k++)
- {
- printf(" $%lx with $%lx\n",mrgs[k], prev[k]);
- }
- }
- }
- if(FromWb)
- {
- printf("\nPress RETURN to exit: ");
- while(getchar() != '\n');
- }
- }